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MTI College

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MTI College

MTI College is a community-based institution serving the Sacramento area since 1965. MTI offers vocational training that is respected and produces graduates who are in demand by industry professionals. MTI College’s mission is to prepare students with the knowledge, skills, and confidence necessary for pursuing successful careers in the fields of information technology, law, business, healthcare, and cosmetology. Our graduates will attest that our mission is fulfilled continually through our extensive technical programs, equipping our students with the problem-solving, verbal communication, and written communication skills for success in the workplace.
Voted the best vocational school in Sacramento, MTI College understands the needs of its students both educationally and financially. With its variety of accredited programs and low tuition rates, students gain easy access to government grants and loans to complete the course of their choice.
MTI College meets the needs of its students by providing some of the lowest tuition rates in Sacramento. In addition, students can graduate in as little as nine months, and MTI assists students with job placement and assistance upon graduation. In fact, MTI College has the highest graduate job placement rate in the area. Job placement is available to all graduates of MTI College in good standing.
Moreover, MTI’s mandated small class size allows instructors to focus more on providing quality education in a hands-on environment, which gives students the knowledge and experience they need to excel in a given profession. Unlike other vocational schools in the area, MTI College is fully accredited and has affiliations with Paul Mitchell, Microsoft IT Academy and the American Bar Association.
As an accredited junior college, MTI gives its students free parking and personalized schedules with no class registration required. In addition, students can sign up for the “Guaranteed Graduate” program, which provides further backing of the student upon entering the workforce.

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 Contact person: Michael Zimmerman
Other means of contact:  MichaelZimmerman
* When you call don't forget to inform that you've found the contact in Cataloxy
 Address: 5221 Madison Avenue
95841, Sacramento, California
Opening hours:
Mon — Sun:around the clock, no break
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